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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  August 2, 2015 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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♪ god bless america my home sweet home ♪ ♪ god bless america good morning. just days away from the first republican debate. hi everyone. i'm maria bartiromo. welcome to "sunday morning futures." the gop field heating up. ahead, to hear from the former virginia governor jim gilmore on his strategy to drum up support. why he says the big field of candidates will actually help him. and a huge blow in the effort to train syrian rebels to fight isis. this time not from the islamic state but from another sworn enemy of america. lieutenant general richard newton is with us as the confusion in the region gets louder. let the lobbying begin.
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congressmen breaking for recess. we will talk with former undersecretary of state for political affairs and ambassador to nato ambassador nick byrnes ahead as we look forward on "sunday morning futures" this morning. the gop field grows to 17 after former virginia governor jim gilmore tosses his hat into the ring. the republican defying critics by answering his announcement why after 14 years out of office he is now deciding to take a shot at the white house. he joins us right now. good to have you on the program. welcome. >> thank you, maria. >> so we know it's a crowded field. you have the debate this upcoming week. why would you run for president now? >> because i've watched the field. i've watched the discussion this year that's going on and i am convinced that the united states is in decline. i think it's in decline because of the policies of the obama/clinton administration. i think i have the experience
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and background to do something about it. i know what we need to do and i think i can reverse that decline and that's why i've decided to enter the presidential race. >> let's talk about your campaign. what you're running on. how will you reverse that decline? >> well first of all, i think we need to focus on the two primary big issues. number one is the decline of our national security and intense debate in the united states. we're seeing a confrontation from russia from china, from the iran situation from the dissol lugs of the isis terrorists. the country has never been in more danger. i think the policies of the obama/clinton administration have made this worse. something has to be done. the sequester has to come off the budget. i have proposed there be a new nato in the middle east. i have a lifetime of experience in these issues as a united states army intelligence veteran served in the cold war. my degree is in foreign policy. above all things i chaired the national commission on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction for the united states government
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for five years interrupted by the attack at 9/11 where i was the governor of the state that was in fact a factor in 9/11. i have the experience. i know what we need to do but it's urgent that we reverse this decline and we get america back again, that the people around the world understand that the united states will lead and we will provide stability and values for ourselves around the world. >> even with your resume and background with foreign policy with all due respect, there are 17 candidates on the gop side right now. there's got to be something that differentiates you in a big really make you stand out. you said i was reading a quote from you, that the fact that there's so many candidates you think that's helpful to your candidacy? >> i think that after a while people are going to turn to the question of what candidates are saying and want to do and who have actual credentials. i'm a former governor of the state of virginia. i understand the economic issue. i understand the urgency of
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turning this economy around creating vitality getting more jobs and higher wages and i know what to do. i've put a program out specifically to turn the economy around and i've had experience with it including cutting taxes as governor of virginia but the difference is the governors and former governors that are in this race don't have foreign policy experience like i do. and i think that combination is -- sooner or later people are going to turn to the question of let's stop all the loud noise and let's get down to the question of who should be president of the united states. >> putting the other 16 aside for a moment let's talk about the other competition and that is the democratic side and hillary clinton last week we saw that there were a upnumber of e-mails that had to be blacked out by the state department because they were confidential and classified even though she said she didn't send any classified e-mails from her personal e-mail. what are your thoughts on
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hillary? she said very clear and simple if she gets in the white house, she will double capital gains taxes to over 40% unless people hold their stocks or whatever assets they have for at least six years. >> so let's talk about both of those issues just very very quickly. first of all, in april i went into the media and stated that which i still believe, and that is that hillary clinton is disqualified from this race. as secretary of state she mishandled classified information, but more importantly than that she deleted a lot of e-mail traffic that we're not even going to get to see. she picked and chose what we were going to get to see. she chose what the state department was going to get to release and now we find that there is some evidence that there was classified information, but the main thing is the next president has to restore the faith of the american people in their government and the integrity of their government. hillary clinton can no longer do that and, therefore, she's disqualified from the race. and furthermore, this issue of her economic policies is dreadful. the challenge we're facing as a
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country today is we have an economy that is too weak and as a result of that we have too many people who are unemployed, too many young people who can't start careers, too many people who are working part time who should work full time. the reversal is to encourage investment and yet hillary clinton has gone in and followed the lead of her party and said that we should be discouraging investment investment. that's exactly the wrong way to go. it must be reversed. if i'm the president i'll make a new commitment to the free enterprise system. >> final comments real quick on thursday's debate. what are you going to be watching out of your colleagues up there on stage? what are you going to be watching for? >> i'm not sure i'm going to watch them. i'm more focused on what i want to propose for the people of the united states. you know this -- you know this business of the debates is nice and it's a good vehicle for talking about issues but at the end of the day the people are not as important as what we'll want to do for the people of the
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united states. i'm not running for president to be somebody i've already been a governor of virginia i've been somebody. i'm running for president of the united states to do something for the country. >> all right. governor good to have you on the program. we'll be watching. thanks so much. >> thank you, maria. >> we appreciate it. in fact debates can make or break candidates as they stand in the glare of the spotlight. let's take a look at some of those historic moments. fox news's senior correspondent eric shaw has a look at that angle. good morning to you. >> good morning maria. good morning, everyone. it will be the political ee give ent of the rumble and jumble. only one line could be the triumph or torpedo in a presidential campaign. >> can you turn that microphone off? >> you asked me -- i am paying for this microphone. >> 1980 ronald regan's defined outburst making such moments in debates unpredictable and potentially campaign changing.
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there are there are zingers and stings. a low blow in 1988. >> i served with jack kennedy. i knew jack kennedy. jack kennedy was a friend of mine. senator, you're no jack kennedy. >> of course the landmark debate if you don't count lincoln/douglas was the 1960 match-up against john kennedy and richard nixon, the first that was televised. >> nixon came in first. nixon had been ill. nixon had had a staphylococcus infection. he banged his knee getting out of the car. he was in pain. >> i wouldn't -- i -- i wouldn't make any excuse like that. i was feeling all right. i didn't certainly look well. >> fairly or not the debates can turn on such things. >> it's always those moments, these gotcha moments which are so so crucial. like i said you're no jack kennedy or this is my microphone mr. bush. i'm not going to hold your age against you, mr. mondale. >> one jfk adviser recalled the
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close call just before that debate began. >> as we hit the stage he said i have to go to the bathroom. i heard the stage manager doing 10 9, 8. he made that stage on 1. >> a reflective richard nixon once offered this advice. >> i would urge all prospective candidates in the future be sure that you remember that more important than what you say is how you look on television. >> well on thursday all the participants already are television veterans and presumably have some memorable lines set to go. the big event right here thursday night on the fox news channel. maria? >> absolutely. thank you so much. we will be watching. a quick reminder this upcoming thursday as you heard from eric thursday august 6th is debate nice. fox news and facebook will bring you the first presidential primary debate of the 2016 race live from cleveland. join us. coverage starts at 5:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. we want you to be part of it. submit your questions by going to
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tell us what you want to know from the candidates and for all your election news on the go you can download the fox news election hq app for your iphone and your android. the battle against isis meanwhile, front and center getting a lot more complicated. syrian rebels trained by the u.s. to fight the terrorism group are under attack but not by isis. plus turkey enters the fight as well but is it really helping the united states? we'll talk about it with lieutenant general richard newton next. follow us on twitter @maria bartiromo and @sunday futures. stay with us as we look ahead this sunday on sunday morning futures. "ride away" (by roy orbison begins to play) ♪ i ride the highway... ♪ ♪ i'm going my way... ♪ ♪i leave a story untold... ♪
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welcome back. a big setback in the fight against isis.
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an al qaeda affiliate al nutra has killed five members of a group trained to fight isis. they kidnapped two leaders of the rebel group along the turkish border. joining me is retired lieutenant general richard newton is former assistant vice chief of staff for the u.s. air force. sir, good to have you on the program. >> thank you. >> thank you so much for joining us. it seems like it's harder and harder to know who we should be trusting. is turkey on america's side against isis? >> i believe they are. it's a very complex situation that we are seeing unfold and we've been seeing that for months. it's going to be even more complex i think as we move forward. i believe it's absolutely essential that we have turkey in the fight against isis. the fact that we have access to their airbases where we can strike targets, the fact that turkey is bringing its capabilities to the fight. as we talked earlier before the break, you know, turkey is the second largest military in nato.
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they have been key in the region for hundreds of years. i believe my sources tell me in the mid east that they are key to whatever progress we're going to make against isis certainly in defeating isis. >> compare the fight against isis to the deal we've made with iran. do you see any areas to connect the dots? i mean how does isis feel about iran doing a deal with six super powers? >> well that so far has not been connected yet. >> okay. >> but it's -- again, that is going to be part of the murky challenge that is ahead. obviously turkey is very much concerned about iran. it's very concerned about assad-led syria still in place. i think what's been the tipping point with turkey is the fact of the internal strife. they saw attacks on the 20th of july where you had isis attack the pro kurdish students kill 31 students on the 20th of july. there were two policemen executed by the kurdistan party,
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p.k.k. kill two police officers. there's internal strife going on inside of turkey. they see that as a challenge to their own national security. they also see the rise of isis as it grows closer to that 500 mile border in the northwest of syria towards turkey as well. >> right. so what does that mean for the u.s. continuing to train syrian rebels? >> it's very important. very important that we continue to train, but it's also very important that we also make close and keep our close relationships with turkey and support turkey in this effort. the general is about ready to retire. he said something very interesting a couple of weeks ago with regard to isis. isis is going to take perhaps 10 to 20 years. we have to be ready as a nation to play this as a long ball. this isn't just a 6-month, 12-month 18-month. this is going to be something that's definitely going to be on the top burner for the next administration in 2017 and beyond. >> right. the next administration will have to deal with this. are we handing it over to that
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next administration in a way that will be manageable. how will you rate our fight against isis right now? >> right now it's -- the fight is not as effective as it needs to be. i think the grades are still out but i still think we need to persevere in the nation. i have a close source that it's absolutely essential to have u.s. leadership in the fight, not only militarily maria, but economically as well as diplomatically and certainly in the information campaign as well. >> what about this meeting on monday secretary of state john kerry meeting with the gcc, gulf state leadership. >> right. >> what do you think their sense is of what's happening, whether it be the fight against isis or the dealings with iran? >> their sense is that this is indeed a regional threat to them isis. >> are they doing enough? >> that's the question. the fact that we have turkey in the fight as well i think everybody's going to recognize
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that they bring a credible military capability to the fight but also they are concerned also about what's playing out in this agreement with iran which is a whole different topic for another day. we have a lot on our plate. there is going to be some brinksmanship as we deliver as the u.s. tries to lead diplomatically. >> next week there are two hearings one on the senate foreign relations committee and one in the banking committee looking at the implications of the sanctions being lifted for iran on the financial system. general, good to have you on the program. >> great to have you here. >> lieutenant general richard newton joining us. secretary of state john kerry is in egypt today resuming formal talks between the two countries for the first time since the arab spring. he then heads to qatar to try to sell the deal to the arab world. we'll talk with nicholas byrnes next about whether we should take this deal. how we can hold iran to it as we look ahead on "sunday morning futures." big week on the iran talks next.
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conflicting opinions on the iran nuclear deal taking center stage. secretary of state john kerry and energy secretary earnest monez telling congress a deal is the only option. john mccain says the deal will eventually give iran billions of dollars to purchase weapons, helicopters and warships. what's next in the process? and will a vote by congress after the august recess mean anything? joining me right now is nicholas byrnes former u.s. ambassador to nato and to greece and a former lead negotiator on iran's nuclear program. ambassador wonderful to have you on the program today. thanks so much for joining us.
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>> thank you for having me maria. >> do you agree the only option is a deal with iran? >> it's not the only option. congress could vote to disapprove. the president would veto that. congress could override. i don't think they have the votes right now. i think it's the best option for the united states to go forward. what we heard this past week on capitol hill is this is a difficult vote for a lot of members. the republicans are lining up against it. the democrats are quite muted. there are benefits here, maria, and risks to go forward. i happen to think the benefits outweigh the risks. if congress votes to override the president, if they defeat the president on this i think one thing is for sure the negotiations will break down and fail iran will leave, iran won't have any restrictions on its nuclear program. i think this big worldwide cold ligs coalition will begin to unravel so i fear that a congressional vote to disapprove is goings to
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be a defeat for the united states and will embolden iran. >> it will be more harm than good. if it is going to embolden iran later, aren't we dealing with the same animal? i mean why are we trusting that iran will in fact not develop this bomb and who's to say that they won't be selling a bomb to hezbollah, hamas? >> they don't have a bomb right now. they have a capacity in terms of uranium enrichment and plutonium. what the obama administration has been able to do is effectively freeze their program and it will be frozen for the next 10 to 15 years. that's a very significant advantage for the united states and i agree with you, we can't trust the iran yangs. i don't think the administration believes they can trust them. the hard part of this members in congress are struggling with this we have to establish an inspections and monitoring regime that's going to be very
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very very tough-minded. and they need more help. they need more money, the iaea they need more inspectors because we'll have to have cameras inside these iranian nuclear plants for the next 25 years. that's going to be a difficult thing to do. i don't think this is an easy call here. i think there are some risks for the united states but on balance, if we turn back now, i think iran gets the advantage and certainly we don't want to see that happen. >> in terms of what we gave on though ambassador how big of a blow was it that in the 11th hour they wanted the arms embargo lifted after five years, they also wanted the fact that they need 34 days after -- 24 days after knowing that the inspections are coming in i mean they can clean everything up in that time frame, right? the things that america and the other world powers gave on were pretty significant. >> well it was a negotiation. there were compromises on both sides and i think we got a lot. i think we got more than we gave
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but we certainly did have to compromise, the united states did. you mentioned some of the ones that were really painful. this is a very aggressive assertive, cynical government in tehran and we've got to block them. the fact that after five years and then eight years their conventional arms embargo, that's a painful compromise. i do think as secretary kerry has been saying when the arms embargo and ballistic missile embargoes end, the united states can sanction iran on both of them. we can use this influence. this will be the next president to restrict what they do around the world. i think, maria, what it comes down to is this. the deal is good enough to go forward with. we're going to have to be really good at intimidating the iranians, restricting them. this is the next president and the president after that to make sure that they don't get what they want to get this. as we go forward, we have to pull back on the conventional
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side and the middle east. they're making a push for power right now. >> why was it so important to get this deal done? i recognize what you're saying at this point after having put all of this energy and time into this having this agreement with the other world powers if congress votes down the deal now and pushes back, you could be in a bad position with iran. they will get angry, i guess, not that they may not get angry anyway but why were we so insistent on getting into this to begin with knowing that this is the disrupter in the middle east this is the supporter of terrorists? >> look the bush administration in which i served sought negotiations with iran ten years ago. the iranians turned us down. by the time president obama was midway through his time in office iran had become a nuclear threshold state, meaning they didn't have a nuclear weapon but they were nearing the capacity to get one in a couple of months and i think the fact that we've got this negotiated agreement now that freezes their program for 10 to 15 years, that instead
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of being 2 or 3 months away from a nuclear weapon pushes them to be back about a year away from a nuclear weapon that's to our advantage. >> great analysis, ambassador. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> ambassador nicholas byrnes. well the obama administration is pushing hard for the iran nuclear deal but will their efforts survive the congressional recess and the doldrums of august. the panel will weigh in next as we look ahead on "sunday morning futures." back in a moment. doers. they don't worry if something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free. quality eyewear for doers. sears optical
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from "america's news headquarters," i'm eric shawn. it turns out the latest part found is not part of missing malaysian flight mh 370. this turned out to be a, quote, domestic ladder. the first piece that was found part of the wing that was sent to france for analysis they say it is from a boeing 777 which, of course is the same model as the missing airliner. territories on reunion island where the parts are washing up being asked to look for more possible debris. and another tragic example of the dangers of law enforcement that they face every day. police in memphis, ten see,
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asking potential witnesses to come forward and help them track down a cop killer. 32-year-old officer shawn bolton was shot and killed during a traffic stop last night. he was rushed to the hospital and later died. he is the third memphis police officer to be shot and killed in the line of duty in a little more than four years. i'll be back at noon eastern with more news and the doctors are always in. "sunday housecall" at 12:30 eastern. back to "sunday morning futures" and maria. thanks eric. the obama administration making a hard sell. this as secretary of state john kerry vigorously defends the deal on capitol hill warning of the consequences of not moving forward. claim fg congress kills the deal quote, our friends will dessert us leaving us no chance
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to resume talks. ed rollins is a long-time strategist to business and political leaders. he is a fox news political analyst. judith miller is adjunct fellow. she's a pulitzer prize winning journalist. alan colmbs is the host of the alan colmbs show. >> secretary of state john kerry on tuesday is going to testify in front of the senate foreign relations committee and on wednesday hearing on the -- for the senate banking committee looking at the implications of the sanctions being lifted on iran. your thoughts? >> these are very important meetings. kerry to date has gotten battered around pretty effectively by most of the republicans but i think the issues that are raised here it's becoming more and more clear is the money and what they do with the money. everybody's talked about the nuclear weapon. khamenei has a new book called "palestine." the nuclear weapon is to keep
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israel from doing anything back to them. they're going to take israel out by the war of attrition, they'll take them out by hezbollah, hamas, what have you. that's pretty accurate. we put sanctions on them when they kidnapped and took over our embassy in 1978. i don't care where our friends go. america has to take a stand here and it's very very important that we basically kill this deal. >> you said $150 billion in terms of money is the real issue. >> that's the real issue. they haven't promised not to continue the activities that they're doing in their communities and neighbors. we have this great hope that once money gets put in there all of the good iranians are going to comfort and create a democracy. that's not going to happen. >> what about the fact that everybody is saying nicholas byrnes saying a moment ago, if we were to walk now, if congress were effective in killing this we're in worse shape with the iranians. >> i agree with nick byrnes and with all due respect to my friend ed rollins, 100 to $200 billion is the estimate of what iran needs to spend in order to
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just reinvest in the oil fields in order to get the oil production up. i'm not saying they're going to spend it all there and they're not going to use that money to be aggressive in the region but what i am saying is the united states knows how to do something about iranian aggression. what we haven't been able to do is to scale back the nuclear program. this is a nuclear deal intended to -- >> the money -- what have they done what have we done to make them back off on their aggression? not one single thing. they have been more aggressive in the last several years than ever before. >> in that case you want a deal. i mean why not have a deal? if you're not happy with the status quo and you don't want war, what's the alternative? the alternative is to have some kind of negotiation. money was always in the offing. >> they weren't interested in creating an economy for the people via the oil revenue from the start. why will they use that $150 billion to create an economy and sell oil to the global market
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when -- >> all goodwill of the liberals and the democrats and the state department and "the new york times" and all the rest of them that the iranian people looking for moderates since 1978. i'm telling you, there aren't any. the people that run that country and will continue to run that country are hard liners who hate us hate israel and they'll continue the activity that they're under. >> i totally agree with that but the issue is how do you counter that? how best do you counter it? why not neutralize the nuclear problem while you fight the aggression? the next president, whoever he or she is is going too do that. >> thinking about what you said this is a multi--lateral agreement with the european union, p 5 plus 1, the permanent members of the u.n. security council. this isn't just a bilateral agreement with the united states. >> that's what george mitchell said on this program repeatedly. it's not just about america, it's about the other powers. >> always about america though when it comes time to go settle this stuff. >> that's true. >> at the end of the day, who's
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going to protect israel? is france going to go in there and protect israel? china and russia? >> good point. >> israel will protect israel. we'll sell them what they need in the event the iranians begin cheating. >> the ability to snap back that's a word that john kerry has used. >> snap back. >> you really think it's going to snap back? >> we could. we have inspections, more transparency than before. i would think that's a good thing as opposed to letting them secretly do things. >> getting caught drunk driving and the cop says you have 24 days to come in. i want to look at what's coming up on media buzz. howie, good morning to you. >> good morning maria. we're going to look at the continuing media attacks on donald trump including this report 25 years old, since retracted about an allegation of spousal rape by his ex-wife vana. none of this slowing the
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donald's surge in the polls. i got into it with jon stewart. he took a few whacks with me. it will be our last shot since he's leaving the daily show. >> we have to leave your latest response. howie, thanks very much. there are 17 hopefuls now in the running for the presidential nomination on the gop side but the upcoming gop debate could help some candidates stand out from the crowd. our panel all over it talking about the upcoming debate. we are looking ahead today on "sunday morning futures." back in a moment.
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tweeted out a moment ago. it is from donald trump. i wish good luck to all of the republican candidates that travel to california to beg for money from the koch brothers. puppets? >> he's growing on me kind of like a fungus. the fact is it isn't playing that game where he has to go before the koch brothers. >> he has his own money. >> he doesn't have to do that. >> the best news that i've heard that you would endorse trump. if you would endorse trump, you would take him out of the race. please do it. >> there is something to this. you have 400 families that have so far contributed half of the $400 million that's been raised. the concentration of wealth of money behind this race plays into trump's name and bernie sanders name. too much for too few. >> dumbing the numbers, 130 families. 130 businesses and there are 67 donors who have given $1 million and the mega donors 67 have raised 128 million in cash and
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the other -- the super pacs, 9,500. you think about that staggering numbers. >> staggering. >> the point that you're making is a real one. >> this is important. it allows candidates to stay alive until the end of this. mike huckabee went out on a very aggressive campaign to raise money, he's raised $200,000 which he's spent. one donor gave him $3 million. he can stay in the race and continue. >> wow. >> and continue to do well. that's what's going to happen to a lot of these guys. >> 17 candidates you know on right now in the gop. 10 candidates on stage on thursday. what is this doing to the field? i mean do you think -- >> this is narrowed down. 127 people signed up at the r and c for president. fortunately 17 of them. >> be like the miss america beauty pageant. >> miss universe. trump may find this as a new
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thing to come back. >> meanwhile, we had jim gilmore on top of the show former governor of virginia. any take aways. >> he pulled 1% the last time. in it for a very short time. the last cycle of presidential elections. he announced by sending out a press release. he didn't have flags waiving or going down escalators like other people were doing. >> right. >> it was almost like an asterisk. i'm not clear what his strategy is. >> why would he be running? >> there are people that tell you you should run. former party chairman under george w. bush so there's still a lot of people around him. i think at the end of the day here there are really four or five serious candidates. they will stay in this to the end. california has never mattered to republican primary voters. never had a contested primary vote in 40 years. this could come down to a convention fight and the 2015 percent that some of these are going to get is enough to win delegates. >> who are those five likely candidates?
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donald trump? jeb bush. >> donald trump. >> scott walker. >> scott walker. >> marco rubio. >> it could be ted cruz although rubio has had a bad month. you know i think at the end of the month. john kasich. he could emerge as time goes on. >> real quick on the hillary campaign. let's talk there because she came up with an economic plan saying she wants to double economic gains taxes. yesterday or friday we learned that there were several e-mails that were actually blacked out by the state department telling us they were classified from her personal e-mail server. alan? >> she has to get ahead of the story. she needs to answer number one, why she had a personal server. she never accurately answered that. >> because she didn't want to carry more than one device? you can put how many e-mail accounts on one device? all the state department e-mails were there because she sent it there. she sent other stuff there. she needs to answer those questions. >> she's going to get a chance to answer those questions should she choose to do so on october
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22nd when she testifies supposed supposedly before the house committee. you know what's really interesting, her opponents, her rivals smell vulnerability. the $600 haircut at bergdof goodman did everything to undercut the average man or woman. joe biden, if he's thinking about getting into this. >> the truth could feel the common man's pain. >> right. speaking of political rivals her number one political rival, president barack obama pushing forward joe biden. does he enter the race? >> i think he ends up. he's going to go on a vacation with his family. i think he wants to run. speaking of 1% that's what he did last time he ran in iowa. i think joe biden will be a serious candidate. i think she's pretty far ahead on getting delegates and constituentcon constituency groups. what she's not done is dismissed the trust question. people aren't going to vote for someone they can't trust. >> even if she answers the
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question alan does that remove the trust or the lack of trust out there? >> i think she would make some head way in perhaps gaining trust and going up a few points on that if she gave direct answers and we had a feeling that she was truthfully dealing with and directly answering those questions. >> what's the answer alan? why did you -- >> if i had that answer -- >> think about it. like what would -- why did you use private e-mail? i didn't want to be tracked? what's the answer? >> i'm not an adviser to the campaign so i can't -- believe it or not, so i can't answer that question but she really has to deal with it to get ahead of the story. >> she still has legal exposure here. two inspector generals say there was mishandling of classified information. information isn't classified now that wasn't classified then. >> that's right. >> we don't know she has legal exposure until that's resolved. >> we talk about a house hearing, far more serious prosecutor is the chairman of the senate judiciary committee. senator grassley who is a very respected senator is into this with both feet. >> yeah. >> and my sense is he'll hold
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hearings and he'll basically try and get to the bottom of that. that's a much more serious hearing than we have. >> he talked about it last week when he joined us. we'll take a short break. we want to turn to economics. is it enough for a solid recovery? the jobs number is out next friday. we'll tell you what people are expecting as our panel returns and we look ahead on "sunday morning futures." . if you qualify for a sittingham's card today i can offer you no interest for 24 months. thanks to the tools and help at, i know i have an 812 fico score, so i definitely qualify. so what else can you give me? same day delivery. the ottoman? thank you. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take
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indicating we're not where we ought to be at this point in the cycle. >> we're just chugging along. it's more positive than a lot of people thought but at the end of the day we're not making a real recovery here. >> should point out the jobs picture has been improving. we get the latest jobs number for the month of july out next friday. 225,000 jobs is what people are expecting and unemployment rate is expected to go down. >> the lowest rate of job wage growth in decades. i mean people are not feeling it. there are more jobs but they're part-time. people are not feeling confident. that's why you have this sluggish growth. i don't think we'll have a rise in interest rates until the end of the year. >> i'm with you. i don't think the fed will able to do it. >> look at what was inherited and where we've come from in terms of where we are now and look at the indicators that are really very positive. it's a long game. >> it's going to be one of the issues obviously for this election. where are the jobs? where is the growth? who has the best plan in terms
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of jobs and growth. hillary came out with her plan as she talked about raising capital gains taxes to above 40%. >> well if you want to deal with the deficit and debt what are you going to do? where is the money going to come from? this is nothing crazy. >> 20% now. you talk about more than doubling. >> look at where tax rates have been again. we've lowered tax rate to such an extent it cost us in terms of deficit and debt. where is the money going to come from? >> her husband cut capital gains and she's going to raise it because the party moved to the left that's why. that's the only explanation. >> they doesn't get to do it by herself. republicans are going to hold house and may hold the senate and will not make those kind of cuts. >> let me ask you about the august recess. congress going on the august recess now. they're not back until september 8th. what gets done during the august recess if anything? will they be able to gain support against the iran deal? >> traditionally as alan said
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they go home and meet with their constituents. there's a big number that have been canceled already by the democrats. they don't want to go home and debate the iran-contra and there's a big campaign going on against this. republicans don't want to go home because they got chaos in the congress. you have the back seat member trying to take the speaker out. you have a junior member of the senate calling mcconnell a liar. there's chaos. they couldn't pass a highway bill. a lot of unhappiness and that's what trump is tapping into with congress and they don't want to go home and talk to constituents. >> pro-republican groups have scheduled three times as many town hall meetings as democrats and that's got to hurt the democrats. it means the democrats are more scared than the republicans. >> they need to get out there and convince constituents why the iran deal is good. you have the republican congress attempting to overthrow the speakership, which is not happening on the democratic side. you have a far right wing contingent that's very unhappy with john boehner.
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>> they want to get more done than they have gotten done. >> one member put that vacate the speaker's no added to that. there's people that are unhappy with boehner but not stepping toward to do anything about it. >> challenge, challenge, challenge, but you think it will go nowhere. >> speakboehner will be the speaker until the end. >> we'll make predictions on "sunday morning futures" next. you focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be right there with you helping with the questions you need answered to get your brand new business started. we're legalzoom and we've already partnered with over a million new business owners to do just that. check us out today to see how you can become one of them. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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we're back with the panel. one big thing to watch in the week ahead? >> how will donald trump behave on thursday and what will be the reaction? >> i'm watching the iran hearings. the former nsa/cia director will testify. i want to hear what he has to say about this deal. >> i'll watch the debate and think someone will emerge from the junior league debate because there are significant people in there and they don't have to deal with donald trump. one will come out stronger than they go into it.
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>> that will be the topic with the debate on fox news on thursday. thank you for joining us today. that will do it for "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. i'll see you next week on the fox business network 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. eastern. have a great sunday everybody. thanks for being here. on the buzz beater this sunday the daily beast provides an old allegation from a nasty divorce that donald trump raped his ex-wife though she says it's not true. >> it's a false thing put out by a website that's failing and losing a lot of money and going down the tubes. it's amazing what the press is allowed to get awhich with nowadays and you shouldn't be asking the question after reading her statement. if you want to ask it it's fine. >> was this fair game for the republican front runner along with a story that he lashed out at a breast pumping lawyer? mike huckabee refusing to apologize for opposing the iran nuclear deal by


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